Open-Enrollment Courses

Our B2B Lead Generation Service is a cost-effective way to drive measurable growth by generating qualified prospects.

New Leads / Mo.
New Prospects / Mo.
Sylvia Wower - VP of Consulting and Advanced Technology Research at DVIRC
Sylvia Wower, Lead Generation Practice Lead

Sylvia Wower is the VP of Consulting and Advanced Technology Research at DVIRC.

Expert Business Strategist and Leader

Sylvia and her team have delivered over 160,000 hours of successful project work across the MEP National Network and around the globe.

Global Economic Perspective

Sylvia has studied and worked in five countries around the world, and she brings a global economic perspective to her market development and economic research work.

Lisa Mount

Lead Generation Manager

Carly Loonstyn

Research Manager

Jameson Kilburn

Project Coordinator & Business Growth Specialist

Yvonne Kirks

Manufacturing Growth Specialist

Severna Gibson

Manufacturing Growth Specialist

Sue Murray

List Research Supervisor & Business Growth Specialist

Lead Generation

3-6 New Leads / Mo.
60 New Prospects / Mo.

DVIRC has 16+ years of experience helping manufacturers land new customers.

We take a hands-on approach tounderstanding your strengths andopportunities, identify and vet relevantprospects, and manage both the activeoutreach and the communication of leads toyour sales team.

Project Charter

We work with our client’s leadership teams toset a project charter and identify Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely(S.M.A.R.T.) Goals that relate to the growth oftheir businesses.

Sales & Marketing Planning

With the growth criteria set, we will begin tocreate a formal outreach and promotional plan. During this phase, considerations will bemade to prospect profiles, industry attractiveness, barriers to growth, etc.

Market Scouting

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Curated Action Plans

Custom action plans are created to addresscompetitive conditions, identify target markets,draft unique selling points, and structureDVIRC’s outreach.

Custom Dashboard

Unlimited access to a project dashboard, customer database, andproject tools that are reviewed twicemonthly to instill businessdevelopment best practices.