Polysciences, Inc.

Organizational Development Training Yields Significant Results to Chemical Manufacturer

$1M in retained sales
$137K in cost savings
54 jobs retained


Polysciences, Inc. is a family run manufacturing company based in Warrington, PA that employs more than 200 Pennsylvania residents. The organization’s chemical products are used in many scientific applications where the volume is small, but the value added is large. Polysciences, Inc. is divided into three broad divisions: Laboratory Products, Custom Synthesis & cGMP Manufacturing and Contract Manufacturing & Packaging.


Polysciences reached out to DVIRC for support with improving the skill sets of their key leaders, supervisors, and managers through focused development training related to leadership skills, as well as a getting back to basics refresher on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) for operational and production staff.

We knew we need to develop our supervisory and management skills, but wanted something sustainable, user-friendly, and geared towards our environment. We’re a scientific and manufacturing company with some very technical minded supervisors and managers, which brings with it skepticism and, at times, a lack of understanding or perceived unimportance on ‘soft skills,’ according to the company’s HR director. “Getting their buy-in was going to be critical to sustainability.”

DVIRC strategic partner, Donna Butchko, GMP expert and leadership skill development trainer/coach collaborated with Polysciences’ management team to create a structure for both programs and a schedule that would deliver them in a timeline that aligned with the company’s need. Donna provided training to the company’s operational and production staff over a period of approximately 8-10 months.

“Donna had delivered GMP training and it went very well because she has the science, manufacturing, and quality background that our folks would respect,” the HR Director said. “When we learned that she could also develop a management skills platform for us, we were eager to get started.

The response has been positive from our supervisory, management, and leadership team members. Donna’s delivery is well received, the practicality she brings to topics and the reinforcement through group activities, homework, capstone assignments, and ongoing monthly cohort 1:1’s really deliver on sustainability.

Jennifer Tenfelde, HR Director, Polysciences


Polysciences has seen significant positive results around the business and leaders’ ability to manage and get things done. Polysciences reported the following financial results of the work:

  • $1M in retained sales
  • $137K in cost savings
  • 54 jobs retained
  • $450K invested in plant/equipment
  • $90K of training investment, with another $75K of miscellaneous investment

Additionally, Polysciences has retained DVIRC to perform coaching with past leadership skill development participants on a monthly basis and plans to send another group of staff members through the same training in the coming months.