We believe that Southeastern Pennsylvania can be a globally recognized technology and innovation launch pad for advanced manufacturing. Our vision is expressed through our Manufacturing Moonshot.
By the year 2030 DVIRC and our partners will…
Connect the brightest minds, most advanced technologies, and boldest innovations;
Transform Southeastern Pennsylvania into a globally recognized hub for advanced manufacturing excellence;
Design and build next-generation, life-sustaining, life-enriching, and life-defending goods, services, and technologies; and
Create family-sustaining careers, a thriving regional economy, and the benchmark for an American Manufacturing Renaissance.
Our Mission
DVIRC’s mission is to reimagine manufacturing’s role in the creation of regional economic prosperity, and to strengthen and accelerate America’s industrial competitiveness across key sectors.
Working together with our partners in business, academia, and government, we are creating one of the most passionate and purpose-driven manufacturing clusters in the world.
We execute on our mission through:
- Strategic workforce initiatives;
- Advanced technology integration and commercialization;
- Deploying supply chain resiliency best practices;
- Providing access to capital, expertise, and growth opportunities; and
- Supporting regional manufacturing business retention and expansion.
Working Together to Advance Our Region
DVIRC’s Manufacturing Moonshot will require focused and sustained efforts aimed at accelerating regional innovation and advanced manufacturing technology adoption, within an ecosystem of over 5,500 entrepreneurial startups and established small- and midsized manufacturing firms (SMMs) located in Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Accelerating the rates of innovation, technology adoption, and market expansion means bridging the gap between a change-adverse and often introverted current state within many SMMs, to a desired future state in which access to regional growth initiatives, business best practices, emerging trends, a stronger peer network, and a diverse talent pool provides increased awareness around—and an on-ramp to—sustainable growth opportunities.
Though simple in theory, the broad initiatives required to bridge such a gap on a grand scale will necessitate an expansion of existing public-private partnerships, and better alignment and collaboration between stakeholders in business, academia, government, and economic development communities.