To address the regional workforce shortage, DVIRC has been focusing on implementing programs to increase the awareness of manufacturing jobs and career opportunities and, increasing the number of people in the talent pipeline.
Here is an update for June 2023 on some of the initiatives that we are working on.
DVIRC Dream Team
The DVIRC Dream Team finished the 2023 school year strong! They were able to present to over 400 students throughout the region at 7 different schools and we are not stopping! Over the summer, we hope to share manufacturing career opportunities with STEM camps and organizations. In addition, we are gearing up for the Fall with outreach to schools, Intermediate Units, and Workforce Boards. If you know a high school that could benefit from a DVIRC Dream Team Ambassador presentation about manufacturing careers, please contact Hannah McGarry, Director of Workforce Engagement. To learn more, visit

One of our amazing Dream Team members, Anias Alan, shared his story at Abington High School’s Career Chatter event! Anias, a Plant Support Specialist at Colorcon®, presented valuable insights about the exciting and rewarding careers available in manufacturing, inspiring the next generation and showcasing the incredible opportunities in this dynamic industry.
What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?
DVIRC is looking forward to the 2024 School Year by recruiting schools to participate in the next What’s So Cool About Manufacturing contest.
The What’s So Cool About Manufacturing annual contest is a great way to excite middle school-age students about cool manufacturing careers and they get to produce creative video profiles of manufacturers. If you know any middle schools that would benefit from this program, please have them contact Hannah McGarry. We would love to talk to them about the benefits of this program!