The Dog (and Cat and Chicken) Days of Summer

Meet the Pets of DVIRC and Their Imaginary Careers in Manufacturing!

As the summer sun shines brightly, we at DVIRC decided to bring a bit of that warmth into our workplace in a fun and furry way. Welcome to the Dog Days of Summer—our special spotlight on the pets of DVIRC!

But this isn’t just any pet feature. We put a creative twist on it by imagining what careers our pets would have if they were part of the manufacturing industry. With their unique personalities and quirks, it’s no surprise that our pets could excel in various roles, from tuna canning plant Supervisor to President.

Species / Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Career in Manufacturing: Non-Destructive Tester (NDT)

Owner: Sylvia Wower, Vice President, Consulting and Advanced Technology Research

Species / Breed: German Shorthaired Pointer Dog

Career in Manufacturing: Metal fabricating industry – he’s strong, tough and very smart

Owner: Teri Grumbrecht, Manager, Administrative & Customer Services

Species / Breed: German Shorthaired Pointer Dog

Career in Manufacturing: Manufacturing kid’s toys, stuffed animals – she’s playful and loveable, unless you’re a stranger

Owner: Teri Grumbrecht, Manager, Administrative & Customer Services

Species / Breed: Bombay Black Cat

Career in Manufacturing: Manufacturing Furniture – he must inspect and claim every seat, bed, table, chair in sight

Owner: Teri Grumbrecht, Manager, Administrative & Customer Services

Species / Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Career in Manufacturing: Human Resources

Owner: Chris Scafario, President & CEO

Species / Breed: Boxer & American Staffordshire Terrier

Career in Manufacturing: Maxon would be the Owner – he runs the show, knows the comings and goings of everyone, “barks” out orders and protects his people!

Owner: Yvonne Kirks, Manufacturing Growth Specialist

Species / Breed: Barnyard Mix Chicken

Career in Manufacturing: MBT would absolutely be a President of a company. She is small but fierce and dictates the rest of the flock. Backyard goals are always being accomplished when MBT is roaming around. She does not cluck around!

Owner: Jeanette Belger, Business Development Specialist

Species / Breed: Silver Labrador Retriever

Career in Manufacturing: He would be the Quality Manager in a ball manufacturing company and would conduct buoyancy tests to ensure that the balls float in water, verifying their ability to stay afloat as required.

Owner: Lisa Mount, Business Development Services Manager

Species / Breed: Catahoula Leopard

Career in Manufacturing: Millie would be QA at an American arms manufacturer because she is focused and loves to hunt.

Owner: Amanda Carrozza, Finance Clerk

Species / Breed: German Shepherd

Career in Manufacturing: Supervisor at a “Chuck-it” ball manufacturer – because he’s always supervising what I do, and he’s happiest when he’s got a Chuck-it ball in his mouth.

Owner: Viv Baxter, Senior Manager, Training & Organization Development

Species / Breed: British Shorthair

Career in Manufacturing: Supervisor for tuna canning plant

Owner: Brian Deal, Director, Strategy and Supply Chain Services

Species / Breed: Cockapoo

Career in Manufacturing: He would be a third shift press operator. He is not very sociable ( in fact a bit of curmudgeon so working by himself or in a small group would be best). He prefers repetition and routine and he is very loyal and committed to getting the job done!

Owner: Ellen Harvilla, Vice President, Human Resources & Training and Education

Species / Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Career in Manufacturing: Food Scientist

Owner: Sylvia Wower, Vice President, Consulting and Advanced Technology Research

Species / Breed: German Shepard / Black Lab / Who Knows

Career in Manufacturing: Sales! She’s always hungry, never satisfied, and gets along with every dog, human, and animal. She listens well and has sat in on many of my calls and meetings, often laying next to me—so I think she’s off to an early start. She’s my best friend and child, follows me everywhere, and I’m sure she would follow in my footsteps.

Owner: Steven Pichini, Business Development Manager

Species / Breed: Pit Bull

Career in Manufacturing: Zoey is a “Foodie.” She loves to watch you prep and cook and ensure food quality is always top-notch!

Owner: Yvonne Kirks, Manufacturing Growth Specialist