DVIRC Supplier Scouting Team Finds Unique Suppliers for Benjamin Obdyke

Benjamin Obdyke is an established and innovative manufacturer of high-quality moisture management building materials. When they needed to find a unique supplier to meet a unique need, they partnered with DVIRC’s Supplier Scouting team to identify and vet new suppliers.

We sat down with George Caruso, Chief Operating Officer at Benjamin Obdyke, to hear a bit about his experience working with DVIRC to identify new suppliers.

Can you tell me a bit about your business and why you were interested in DVIRC’s services in the first place? 

Benjamin Obdyke is a manufacturer of exterior building products. Part of our business model is developing really good partnerships, particularly on the supply side. We had a particular need that we felt we’d have a difficult time meeting, so we thought of DVIRC and wanted to go back to them for their supplier scouting services

Supplier Scouting is matchmaking. Basically, it’s using DVIRC’s resources and network to find a company that meets certain criteria that we laid out. It would probably take us a year to find all the contacts that DVIRC was able to dig up over the course of a few weeks. 

What made you happiest about working with DVIRC? 

It was the time we saved. The DVIRC team was very organized and thorough and there were more people involved than I expected. There was also a shared spreadsheet that DVIRC created that had the names of all the different potential candidates as well as insights and details for each.

The DVIRC team was able to do the front-end vetting process. They reached out to the prospects, did the initial vetting call, profiled the prospects, and captured the information. Then, even beyond that, DVIRC performed some initial back and forth with the prospective company. All that work just took the front-end leg work off our plate as a company. 

What would you tell someone who is interested in working with DVIRC? 

Look at DVIRC as an extension of your own in-house resources and capability. It just felt like there was a multiplying effect by working with DVIRC. They had a team approach and were able to cast a pretty wide net out there in the industry and have a far greater reach, a lot quicker reach than we could on our own. 


Interested in learning more about how DVIRC can help you identify new suppliers? Contact our Customer Support & Success specialist Teri Grumbrecht or fill out the online contact form here.

Teri Grumbrecht

Customer Success and Support
Phone: 215-287-8378