
Create robust security protocols to protect your vital data.

Enhanced Email Security
Managed Security Awareness
Compliance and Reporting


A cyber security breach carries serious potential risks: the loss of business-critical data, business interruption, the expense of a ransomware event, and even the potential for jeopardizing sensitive customer information.

Whatever the threat vector, whether it’s malware, phishing, a remote access attack, or an as-yet-unidentified intrusion, crossing your fingers and hoping that “it won’t happen to us” are not viable options. DVIRC provides the expertise to give you the safety you need.

Cybersecurity Benefits

  • Enhanced Email Security: DVIRC’s services include a thorough review of your security configurations, encryption, and continuous monitoring to prevent malicious activities, reducing risks like spam, viruses, and email blacklisting.
  • Managed Security Awareness (MSA): Provides comprehensive training and insights, transforming your employees into a vigilant first line of defense against cyber threats like phishing and ransomware.
  • Compliance and Reporting: Ensures adherence to critical regulations like DFARS 252.204-7012, with tracking and reporting to identify and address vulnerabilities in email usage.
  • Business Continuity: Offers solutions for email outages, additional storage, and archiving options to maintain operations without interruptions.
  • Comprehensive Cybersecurity Framework: Helps implement a robust cybersecurity program aligning with NIST 800-171 standards, encompassing the necessary policies, procedures, and technical controls.